Vocals on your tracks

One thing which I spend a lot of time on is searching for vocals. As a beginning producer it's nearly impossible to create your own vocals, so what do you do in order to give your songs that catchy hook?

Text to Speech
On Report a Crash I first got into using text to speech using this website. You can create whatever lyrics you want, and edit those to your comfort. Later on with Who let the Yeti out I used this program. The quality of the vocals on these websites are usually quite bad, so you have to put quite a lot of effects of them so make them sound decent. Problem is, sometimes you don't want spoken vocals, but sung.

Create your own vocals
To create your own takes a lot of effort, and takes a whole different kind of skill then producing a track. You would need a professional microphone, recording studio and someone who can sing well. Those two can cost you quite a bit of money. No problem for a bigger producer, but what about the beginning one who wants to do everything as free as possible? There are websites where you can hire singers and you could get a semi-professional microphone, but we're lazy and we're cheap.

A cappella's
So you want to get some already made vocals. But where to get these vocals? Some websites offer free a capella's, you could use google, or get some home sung. Other websites offer paid acapella's, but be careful though, a lot of them are low quality and therefore not very usable. It's can be quite hard to find an a capella of a specific song, so you might have to browse through lists and lists to see if there's anything that fits you. Another possibility is to do it yourself and, like always, there are Youtube tutorials for it.

So finding or making vocals can take quite a bit of work, but once you've finished your track it's all worth it. Even if it's just a couple words it can really give your track that catchy hook that will make your listeners remember it.


Eddy Pfeil

Nice post man. If you really wanted, you could buy this plugin called Antares Auto-Tune Evo. You pick what scale you are singing in, and the software will correct your pitch exactly, and it sounds as if you really sang the note. Also you can add effects such as transposing down an octave to get that deep dubstep voice, or add the T-Pain Effect, etc. It reaaly is great, but costs about $200. I'm sure if anyone is in to cracking though they could find it on the internet, but I don't recommend it.

Eddy Pfeil

Hey man, how do you get the youtube link button at the top. I'd appreciate it if you told me on my blog or on digg. Nice blog in general by the way; good posts and interface.


Thank you, I'll look into that plug-in to see if it's anything I could use. I've used some effect groups before to get a 'phone' effect or a 'freak voice' effect before, but I still want learn how to auto-tune, wether I'll use it or not.

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